A1 Spelling App Free - practice spelling words for preschool, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade kids

Publisher: Pankaj Humad/Power Math Apps

Price: Free

App Objective: The purpose of this app is to improve spelling competence by providing users with a variety of words with associated pictures and sounds. (Review of Version 1.3.0 completed on Apple iPad on 7/14/16.)

Content: Reading, Writing

SubDomain: Print Concepts, Early Writing

Audience: Primary

Disability Category Tag(s): NA

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 Editor Review

Admin reviewed at 2016-07-14

Practice: No

Does the application provide many (i.e., at least 5) practice opportunities before moving on to the new concept or skill? Practice opportunities are essential because they increase the likelihood that the student will permanently remember the new information, and enhance the student’s ability to generalize learned skills to other settings. Choose the option which best describes the app.

Feedback: Yes

Are students notified of each correct/incorrect response and given the correct answer? Providing students with feedback is important because it helps them learn how to identify mistakes and self-correct errors. It also ensures that they correctly practice/acquire a given skill or concept. Choose the option which best describes the app.

Progress: No

Is progress detected by the application’s tracking system? Progress monitoring is a critical educational component because it helps educators utilize student data in making decisions regarding instructional practices. Additionally, research indicates that when progress monitoring is utilized, teachers’ decision-making processes improve and students become more aware of their own performances and learning processes. Choose the option which best describes the app.

Usability: Yes

Is the application easy to navigate and is it easy to access help when needed? The usability of an application is key because it determines whether the program is accessible to all users and if technical support is available. Choose the option which best describes the app.

Customization: No

Can the application be customized easily for an individual student? Having the ability to customize an app is necessary in order to meet the unique needs of app users, including those with special needs. Choose the option which best describes the app.

This app supports young children in practicing spelling commonly used words. The app utilizes 150 common spelling words in 8 different categories including animals, colors, numbers, body, food, vegetable, fruit, and other. A virtual keyboard is presented for users to spell words, and the app will make a buzzing-like sound when the wrong letter is selected. Users are offered visual and auditory examples of presented words and are able to seek help when necessary. When help is requested, the virtual keyboard used for input removes most letters and retains just those letters needed to spell the word. This app may be helpful for young children, with and without disabilities, learning to practice spelling common words.

Average User Rating: 2 Stars

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